1. On the edge of Curve25519 (safegcd256 for 32-bit machine)

    19 x 31 = 589 >= 587

    I implemented safegcd256 for Gnuk. It uses signed 31-bit integers, and it does 19 iterations for p = 2**255 - 19.

    Modular inversion

    In the computation of X25519, we need to compute the modular inversion at the last step to get the value of x in …

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  2. How can I install Gnuk on FST-01 with NeuG 1.0.5?

    Q: I got another FST-01 with NeuG 1.0.5 installed. As I need Gnuk Token, I want to reflash. How can I install Gnuk without SWD debugger?


    SWD debugger is not the absolute requirement, since NeuG supports firmware upgrade.

    However, please note that the feature of firmware upgrade …

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  3. NeuG, a True Random Number Generator Implementation

    NeuG, True Random Number Generator

    NeuG is an implementatio of True Random Number Generator, based on the sampling noise of ADCs (A/D converters).

    It runs on STM32F103, and it outputs random bits at the rate of more than 80 kB/sec (kB = 1000-byte). The interface is USB, and it behaves as a device of …

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