1. Running port 8080 but accessing through port 80

    I run CherryPy on port 8080 with no root privilege. On the server, I also need to support access to port 80.

    Thus, I create a file named under /etc/network/if-up.d.

    # cat > /etc/network/if-up.d/system-iptables
    if [ $METHOD = "loopback" ]; then
      iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING …
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  2. Readme.txt of akizuki-led-matrix-control-atmega

    Akizuki 32x16 LED matrix display with USB control
                                                            Niibe Yutaka
    This software is for controling Akizuki 32x16 LED Matrix display.
    We connect a Metaboard implementation to the display, and use V-USB
    software as the USB protocol stack (I'm using version 2009-04-15).
    While I am using ATmega168, ATmega88 would …
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