1. UPnP and running a web service behind firewall

    Here, I describe what I did now, but it seems that I need to run gupnp.igd process to watch change of external IP address...

    UPnP Python Script

    I wrote a python script to update port forwarding of my home router. It sets three port forwardings, one is external:80 …

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  2. nsupdate for a machine behind firewall with dynamic IP address

    Create public/private key pair

    dnssec-keygen is a tool in dnsutils on Debian. With it, I create a key pair.

    The shell session is like this:

    $ /usr/sbin/dnssec-keygen -T KEY -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -n HOST www.gniibe.org.
    Generating key pair.............................+++ ...........................................................+++

    As a …

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  3. Publishing Git Repository

    Installing tools

    To publish Git repositories on Debian, I do:

    # apt-get install git-daemon-run

    To enable web browsing of Git repositories, I do:

    # apt-get install gitweb libcgi-fast-perl libfcgi-procmanager-perl

    Note that I run gitweb as Fast CGI service.

    The package git-daemon-run is to invoke git-daemon. After installation of git-daemon-run and gitweb, I …

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  4. Running CherryPy

    I put following lines in /etc/rc.local

    (cd /home/gniibe/www.gniibe.org &&
     su gniibe -c "./run-unguent.sh production")

    The shell script run-ungent.sh goes background by itself.

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